Netherwood Park Neighborhood Association

the home of Netherwood and Urban Forest Parks


The Netherwood Park Neighborhood Association (NPNA) is the volunteer membership organization of people living, owning property, and working in the area bounded by Indian School, I-40, Carlisle and the North Diversion Channel. Our mission is to make our neighborhood a great place to enjoy life. NPNA works with local government officials and business leaders to advocate neighborhood safety, the upkeep of two city parks, and to host annual social events. Come join us or renew your membership today!

Let the NPNA Board and your neighbors know about issues, graffiti, crime, etc.

The Neighborhood

Netherwood Park is a residential neighborhood, mainly single family homes, with some apartments, townhouses, and condominiums. In addition to its two parks, the Tennis Club of Albuquerque (TCA) and its fitness center provide opportunities for recreation.

Our neighborhood has a low crime rate, and relatively few threats from, or demands for, development. If you would like to get involved, click here.

Read our neighborhood history here...

City Departments and Offices Phone Numbers

Nextdoor Community Website

Current/Upcoming Events


Recurring Events

  • NPNA Board Meeting - 2nd Wednesday of most months; contact any board member for info about upcoming meeting.
  • NPNA Annual Meeting - Occurs in March of every year


Playground survey results

NPNA Bylaws - Click Here

PSA: Please be mindful of your pets for their safety and yours. Click here to report an aggressive dog.

Neighborhood Newsletter (PDF)